Introduction: Allotetraploid upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is native to the Mesoamerican and Caribbean regions, had been improved in the southern United States by the mid-eighteenth century, was then dispersed worldwide. However, a Hainan Island Native Cotton (HIC) has long been grown extensively on Hainan Island, China.
Objectives: Explore HIC's evolutionary relationship and genomic diversity with other tetraploid cottons, its origin and whether it was used for YAZHOUBU (Yazhou cloth, World Intangible Cultural Heritage) weaving, and the role of structural variations (SVs) in upland cotton domestication.
Methods: We assembled a high-quality genome of one HIC plant. We performed phylogenetic analysis, divergence time estimation, principal component analysis and population differentiation estimation using cotton assemblies and/or resequencing data. SVs were detected by whole-genome comparison. A F2 population was used for linkage analysis and to study effects of SVs. Buoyancy and salt water tolerance tests for seeds were conducted.
Results: We found that the HIC belongs to G. purpurascens. G. purpurascens is best classified as a primitive race of G. hirsutum. The potential for long range transoceanic dispersal of G. purpurascens seeds was proved. A set of SVs, selective sweep regions between G. hirsutum races and cultivars, and quantitative trait loci (QTLs) of eleven agronomic traits were obtained. SVs, especially large-scale SVs, were found to have important effects on cotton domestication and improvement. Of them, eight large-scale inversions strongly associated with yield and fiber quality have probably undergone artificial selection in domestication.
Conclusion: G. purpurascens including HIC is a primitive race of G. hirsutum, probably disperse to Hainan from Central America by floating on ocean currents, may have been partly domesticated, planted and was likely used for YAZHOUBU weaving in Hainan much earlier than the Pre-Columbian period. SV plays an important role in cotton domestication and improvement.
Keywords: Domestication; Genome; Gossypium purpurascens; Origin; Structural variation; Upland cotton.
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