Heat current magnification in classical and quantum spin networks

Phys Rev E. 2023 Mar;107(3-1):034120. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.107.034120.


We investigate heat current magnification (CM) due to asymmetry in the number of spins in two-branched classical as well as quantum spin systems that are kept between two heat baths at different temperatures. We study the classical Ising-like spin models using Q2R and Creutz cellular automaton dynamics. We show that just the difference in the number of spins is not enough and some other source of asymmetry like unequal spin-spin interaction strengths in the upper and lower branches is required for heat CM. We also provide a suitable physical motivation for CM along with ways to control and manipulate it. We then extend this study to a quantum system with modified Heisenberg XXZ interaction and preserved magnetization. Interestingly, in this case, just the asymmetry in the number of spins in the branches is enough to achieve heat CM. We observe that the onset of CM is accompanied by a dip in the total heat current flowing through the system. We then discuss how the observed CM characteristics can be attributed to the intersection of nondegenerate energy levels, population inversion, and atypical magnetization trends as a function of the asymmetry parameter in the Heisenberg XXZ Hamiltonian. Finally we use the concept of ergotropy to support our findings.