The spatial boundaries of tissue response to wounding are unknown. Here, we show that in mammals, the ribosomal protein S6 (rpS6) is phosphorylated in response to skin injury, forming a zone of activation surrounding the region of the initial insult. This p-rpS6-zone forms within minutes after wounding and is present until healing is complete. The zone is a robust marker of healing as it encapsulates features of the healing process, including proliferation, growth, cellular senescence, and angiogenesis. A mouse model that is unable to phosphorylate rpS6 shows an initial acceleration of wound closure, but results in impaired healing, identifying p-rpS6 as a modulator but not a driver of healing. Finally, the p-rpS6-zone accurately reports on the status of dermal vasculature and the effectiveness of healing, visually dividing an otherwise homogeneous tissue into regions with distinct properties.
Keywords: S6; cellular senescence; immediate response; mTOR; p-rpS6; p-rpS6-zone; regeneration; tissue damage; wound healing; wound marker.
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