(1) Background: Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) exposure induces oxidative stress that may lead to DNA damage, which has been observed in human peripheral blood lymphocytes or non-human cells. Here, we investigated the impact of hyperbaric conditions on two human osteoblastic cell lines: primary human osteoblasts, HOBs, and the osteogenic tumor cell line SAOS-2. (2) Methods: Cells were exposed to HBO in an experimental hyperbaric chamber (4 ATA, 100% oxygen, 37 °C, and 4 h) or sham-exposed (1 ATA, air, 37 °C, and 4 h). DNA damage was examined before, directly after, and 24 h after exposure with an alkaline comet assay and detection of γH2AX+53BP1 colocalizing double-strand break (DSB) foci and apoptosis. The gene expression of TGFß-1, HO-1, and NQO1, involved in antioxidative functions, was measured with qRT-PCR. (3) Results: The alkaline comet assay showed significantly elevated levels of DNA damage in both cell lines after 4 h of HBO, while the DSB foci were similar to sham. γH2AX analysis indicated a slight increase in apoptosis in both cell lines. The increased expression of HO-1 in HOB and SAOS-2 directly after exposure suggested the induction of an antioxidative response in these cells. Additionally, the expression of TGF-ß1 was negatively affected in HOB cells 4 h after exposure. (4) Conclusions: in summary, this study indicates that osteoblastic cells are sensitive to the DNA-damaging effects of hyperbaric hyperoxia, with the HBO-induced DNA damage consisting largely of single-strand DNA breaks that are rapidly repaired.
Keywords: DNA damage; DSBs; comet assay; gamma-H2AX; hyperbaric hyperoxia; osteoblasts; oxidative stress.