Epilepsy is a common condition worldwide, with approximately 50 million people suffering from it. A single seizure does not mean epilepsy; almost 10% of the population can have a seizure during their lifetime. In particular, there are many other central nervous system disorders other than epilepsy in which seizures occur, either transiently or as a comorbid condition. The impact of seizures and epilepsy is, therefore, widespread and easily underestimated. It is estimated that about 70% of patients with epilepsy could be seizure-free if correctly diagnosed and treated. However, for patients with epilepsy, quality of life is influenced not only by seizure control but also by antiepileptic drug-adverse reactions, access to education, mood, employment, and transportation.
Keywords: drug-resistant; education; epilepsy; medically intractable; neurosurgery; pharmacoresistant; quality of life; seizure; seizure-free; surgery.