The Emotion Regulation Checklist with Young Autistic Children: Data Set for Comparative Use in Intervention Studies

J Autism Dev Disord. 2023 May 2. doi: 10.1007/s10803-023-05991-y. Online ahead of print.


Purpose: Comparative data of autism-sensitive standardized measures of emotion regulation and lability, describing percentage change over time for populations of young autistic children, are currently publicly unavailable. We propose publication of such data as a support for future therapeutic intervention studies.

Methods: We generate and present data of the Emotion Regulation Checklist (and subscales) for a comparative array of percentage change over time (10 months) for autistic children not receiving psychological or behavioral therapies (N = 98, ages 4-8).

Results: Comparative data summaries are presented here, and the full data set is presented as Online Resource 1.

Conclusion: We propose that this autism-sensitive measure, now with autism-specific comparative data to provide a comparison group in studies of therapeutic intervention, is well placed to assess co-occurring affective, regulatory, and behavioral factors of personal development for autistic children.

Keywords: Autism; Efficacy; Emotion regulation checklist; Intervention; Normative data; Therapy.