Earning Extra Performance From Restrictive Feedbacks

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell. 2023 Oct;45(10):11753-11765. doi: 10.1109/TPAMI.2023.3273249. Epub 2023 Sep 5.


Many machine learning applications encounter situations where model providers are required to further refine the previously trained model so as to gratify the specific need of local users. This problem is reduced to the standard model tuning paradigm if the target data is permissibly fed to the model. However, it is rather difficult in a wide range of practical cases where target data is not shared with model providers but commonly some evaluations about the model are accessible. In this paper, we formally set up a challenge named Earning eXtra PerformancE from restriCTive feEDdbacks (EXPECTED) to describe this form of model tuning problems. Concretely, EXPECTED admits a model provider to access the operational performance of the candidate model multiple times via feedback from a local user (or a group of users). The goal of the model provider is to eventually deliver a satisfactory model to the local user(s) by utilizing the feedbacks. Unlike existing model tuning methods where the target data is always ready for calculating model gradients, the model providers in EXPECTED only see some feedbacks which could be as simple as scalars, such as inference accuracy or usage rate. To enable tuning in this restrictive circumstance, we propose to characterize the geometry of the model performance with regard to model parameters through exploring the parameters' distribution. In particular, for deep models whose parameters distribute across multiple layers, a more query-efficient algorithm is further tailor-designed that conducts layerwise tuning with more attention to those layers which pay off better. Our theoretical analyses justify the proposed algorithms from the aspects of both efficacy and efficiency. Extensive experiments on different applications demonstrate that our work forges a sound solution to the EXPECTED problem, which establishes the foundation for future studies towards this direction.