Awareness and perspectives of audiologists on assessment and management of misophonia in India

J Otol. 2023 Apr;18(2):104-110. doi: 10.1016/j.joto.2023.02.003. Epub 2023 Feb 16.


Background: The assessment and management of misophonia need a team approach, and audiologists are essential team members. However, the role of an audiologist in this condition is not well understood, and there is a lack of awareness even among professionals about their role in the assessment and management of misophonia.

Purpose: The main aim of our study is to document the present level of awareness and knowledge about misophonia assessment and management among audiologists in India.

Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out among audiologists from all over India. Descriptive statistical procedures were measured based on the type of questions being addressed, and a non-parametric chi-square test was done to see the association among variables.

Results: The results show a lack of knowledge about misophonia even among audiologists, as only 15.3% of the audiologist reported being confident in handling cases with misophonia.

Conclusion: Although the exact assessment and management of misophonia is still the topic of debate, it is clear that audiologists are the team's key members. However, the results clearly show a lack of confidence in handling cases of misophonia among audiologists in India. This result shows the future need for Research in misophonia from an audiological perspective.

Keywords: Assessment and management; Audiologists; Awareness; Misophonia; Viewpoint.