Deep learning (DL) models for radiation therapy (RT) image segmentation require accurately annotated training data. Multiple organ delineation guidelines exist; however, information on the used guideline is not provided with the delineation. Extraction of training data with coherent guidelines can therefore be challenging. We present a supervised classification method for pelvis structure delineations where bowel cavity, femoral heads, bladder, and rectum data, with two guidelines, were classified. The impact on DL-based segmentation quality using mixed guideline training data was also demonstrated. Bowel cavity was manually delineated on CT images for anal cancer patients (n = 170) according to guidelines Devisetty and RTOG. The DL segmentation quality from using training data with coherent or mixed guidelines was investigated. A supervised 3D squeeze-and-excite SENet-154 model was trained to classify two bowel cavity delineation guidelines. In addition, a pelvis CT dataset with manual delineations from prostate cancer patients (n = 1854) was used where data with an alternative guideline for femoral heads, rectum, and bladder were generated using commercial software. The model was evaluated on internal (n = 200) and external test data (n = 99). By using mixed, compared to coherent, delineation guideline training data mean DICE score decreased 3% units, mean Hausdorff distance (95%) increased 5 mm and mean surface distance (MSD) increased 1 mm. The classification of bowel cavity test data achieved 99.8% unweighted classification accuracy, 99.9% macro average precision, 97.2% macro average recall, and 98.5% macro average F1. Corresponding metrics for the pelvis internal test data were all 99% or above and for the external pelvis test data they were 96.3%, 96.6%, 93.3%, and 94.6%. Impaired segmentation performance was observed for training data with mixed guidelines. The DL delineation classification models achieved excellent results on internal and external test data. This can facilitate automated guideline-specific data extraction while avoiding the need for consistent and correct structure labels.
Keywords: deep learning; guideline; organs at risk; radiation therapy; structure classification.
© 2023 The Authors. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics published by Wiley Periodicals, LLC on behalf of The American Association of Physicists in Medicine.