Study objective: To evaluate racial and ethnic disparities in out-of-hospital analgesic administration, accounting for the influence of clinical characteristics and community socioeconomic vulnerability, among a national cohort of patients with long bone fractures.
Methods: Using the 2019-2020 ESO Data Collaborative, we retrospectively analyzed emergency medical services (EMS) records for 9-1-1 advanced life support transport of adult patients diagnosed with long bone fractures at the emergency department. We calculated adjusted odds ratios (aOR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for out-of-hospital analgesic administration by race and ethnicity, accounting for age, sex, insurance, fracture location, transport time, pain severity, and scene Social Vulnerability Index. We reviewed a random sample of EMS narratives without analgesic administration to identify whether other clinical factors or patient preferences could explain differences in analgesic administration by race and ethnicity.
Results: Among 35,711 patients transported by 400 EMS agencies, 81% were White, non-Hispanic, 10% were Black, non-Hispanic, and 7% were Hispanic. In crude analyses, Black, non-Hispanic patients with severe pain were less likely to receive analgesics compared with White, non-Hispanic patients (59% versus 72%; Risk Difference: -12.5%, 95% CI: -15.8% to -9.9%). After adjustment, Black, non-Hispanic patients remained less likely to receive analgesics compared with White, non-Hispanic patients (aOR:0.65, 95% CI:0.53 to 0.79). Narrative review identified similar rates of patients declining analgesics offered by EMS and analgesic contraindications across racial and ethnic groups.
Conclusions: Among EMS patients with long bone fractures, Black, non-Hispanic patients were substantially less likely to receive out-of-hospital analgesics compared with White, non-Hispanic patients. These disparities were not explained by differences in clinical presentations, patient preferences, or community socioeconomic conditions.
Copyright © 2023 American College of Emergency Physicians. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.