Insights from a 30-year journey: function, regulation and therapeutic modulation of PD1

Nat Rev Immunol. 2023 Oct;23(10):682-695. doi: 10.1038/s41577-023-00867-9. Epub 2023 Apr 25.


PD1 was originally discovered in 1992 as a molecule associated with activation-induced cell death in T cells. Over the past 30 years, it was found that PD1 has a critical role in avoiding overactivation-induced cell death and autoimmunity, whereas its inhibition unleashes anticancer immunity. Here, we outline the journey from the discovery of PD1 to its role as a breakthrough target in cancer immunotherapy. We describe its regulation and function and examine how a mechanistic understanding of PD1 signalling suggests a central function in setting the T cell activation threshold, thereby controlling T cell proliferation, differentiation, exhaustion and metabolic status. This threshold theory, in combination with new insights into T cell metabolism and a better understanding of immune cell modulation by the microbiota, can provide guidance for the development of efficient combination therapies. Moreover, we discuss the mechanisms underlying immune-related adverse events after PD1-targeted therapy and their possible treatment.

Publication types

  • Review