Finite-temperature equilibrium density profiles of integrable systems in confining potentials

Phys Rev E. 2023 Apr;107(4-1):044101. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.107.044101.


We study the equilibrium density profile of particles in two one-dimensional classical integrable models, namely hard rods and the hyperbolic Calogero model, placed in confining potentials. For both of these models the interparticle repulsion is strong enough to prevent particle trajectories from intersecting. We use field theoretic techniques to compute the density profile and their scaling with system size and temperature, and we compare them with results from Monte Carlo simulations. In both cases we find good agreement between the field theory and simulations. We also consider the case of the Toda model in which interparticle repulsion is weak and particle trajectories can cross. In this case, we find that a field theoretic description is ill-suited and instead, in certain parameter regimes, we present an approximate Hessian theory to understand the density profile. Our work provides an analytical approach toward understanding the equilibrium properties for interacting integrable systems in confining traps.