3D Gamut Morphing for Non-Rectangular Multi-Projector Displays

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph. 2024 Aug;30(8):4724-4738. doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2023.3277436. Epub 2024 Jul 1.


In a spatially augmented reality system, multiple projectors are tiled on a complex shaped surface to create a seamless display on it. This has several applications in visualization, gaming, education and entertainment. The main challenges in creating seamless and undistorted imagery on such complex shaped surfaces are geometric registration and color correction. Prior methods that provide solutions for the spatial color variation in multi-projector displays assume rectangular overlap regions across the projectors that is possible only on flat surfaces with extremely constrained projector placement. In this article, we present a novel and fully automated method for removing color variations in a multi-projector display on arbitrary shaped smooth surfaces using a general color gamut morphing algorithm that can handle any arbitrarily shaped overlap between the projectors and assures imperceptible color variations across the display surface.