The authors report 172 cases of patients who had to undergo a curettage of the uterine cavity and an endometrial sampling with Vabra Curettage. In 80.8% of the cases, the histologic diagnosis of the material removed with Vabra Curettage was comparable with that of the uterine curettage. In 8.7% of the sampling, the histologic diagnosis of the tissue removed with the "suction technique" was easier. In 10.5% of the cases, the diagnosis was more reliable in the samplings taken away with uterine curettage. In this last group, nevertheless, the endometrial tissue removed with Vabra curettage allowed us to exclude the presence of an adenocarcinoma or of an atypical hyperplasia. Only in 1.2% of the specimens, the Vabra Curettage did not allow us to exclude an endometrial pathology (for lack of material). On account of the increased incidence of endometrial carcinoma, the tolerability of the method proposed, its low cost, the Authors advocate a large-scale use of this method for a prevention program directed at the high-risk population for this carcinoma.