Individual preferences for the flavor of different foods and fluids exert a strong influence on behavior. Most current theories posit that preferences are integrated with other state variables in orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), which is thought to derive the relative subjective value of available options to drive choice behavior. Here we report that instead of a single integrated valuation system in OFC, another separate one is centered in ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (vlPFC) in macaque monkeys. Specifically, we found that OFC and vlPFC preferentially represent outcome flavor and outcome probability, respectively, and that preferences are separately integrated into these two aspects of subjective valuation. In addition, vlPFC, but not OFC, represented the outcome probability for the two options separately, with the difference between these representations reflecting the degree of preference. Thus, there are at least two separable valuation systems that work in concert to guide choices and that both are biased by preferences.
Keywords: Amygdala; agranular insula; choices; decision making; flavor; inferior frontal gyrus; orbitofrontal cortex; outcome; preference; probability; reward; satiety; valuation; ventrolateral prefrontal cortex.