The evaluation of leachate leakage at livestock mortality burial sites is challenging, particularly when groundwater is previously contaminated by agro-livestock farming. Supervised machine learning was applied to discriminate the impacts of carcass leachate from pervasive groundwater contamination in the following order: data labeling, feature selection, synthetic data generation, and classification. Physicochemical data of 359 water samples were collected from burial pits (LC), monitoring wells near pits (MW), pre-existing shallow household wells (HW), and background wells with pervasive contamination (BG). A linear classification model was built using two representative groups (LC and BG) affected by different pollution sources as labeled data. A classifier was then applied to assess the impact of leachate leakage in MW and HW. As a result, leachate impacts were observed in 40% of MW samples, which indicates improper construction and management of some burial pits. Leachate impacts were also detected in six HW samples, up to 120 m downgradient, within one year. The quantitative decision-making tool to diagnose groundwater contamination with leachate leakage can contribute to ensuring timely responses to leakage. The proposed machine learning approach can also be used to improve the environmental impact assessment of water pollution by improper disposal of organic waste.
Keywords: Carcass leachate leakage; Classification model; Data labeling and feature selection; Groundwater contamination; Livestock burial.
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