Introduction: Mucormycosis (MCR) is caused by filamentous molds within the Class Zygomycetes and Order Mucorales. Infections can result from inhalation of spores into the nares, oropharynx, or lungs, ingestion of contaminated food or water, or inoculation into disrupted skin or wounds. In developed countries, MCR occurs primarily in severely immunocompromised hosts. In contrast, in developing/low income countries, most cases of MCR occur in persons with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus and some cases in immunocompetent subjects following trauma. Mucormycosis exhibits a propensity to invade blood vessels, leading to thrombosis and infarction of tissue. Mortality rates associated with invasive MCR are high and can exceed 90% with disseminated disease. Mucormycosis can be classified as one of six forms: (1) rhino-orbital-cerebral mucormycosis (ROCM); (2) pulmonary; (3) cutaneous; (4) gastrointestinal or renal (5); disseminated; or (6) uncommon (focal) sites.
Areas covered: The authors discuss the prevalence, risk factors, and clinical features of mucormycosis. A literature search of mucormycosis was performed via PubMed (up to November 2022), using the key words: invasivefungal infections; mold; mucormycosis;Mucorales; Zyzomyces; Zygomycosis; Rhizopus, diagnosis.
Expert opinion: Mucormycosis occurs primarily in severely immunocompromised hosts. Mucormycosis can progress rapidly, and delay in initiating treatment by even a few days worsens outcomes.
Keywords: Invasive fungal infections; Mucorales; Rhizopus; Zygomycosis; Zyzomyces; diagnosis; mold; mucormycosis.