This article presents the case of a 32-year-old woman with two distinct temporomandibular joint pathologies: right temporomandibular joint arthralgia, headache, disc displacement with reduction and intermittent locking, and limited opening, whereas the left temporomandibular joint was showing arthralgia and subluxation. A neurologist was regularly consulted and treated the patient for migraine. A detailed clinical assessment was used in the therapeutic approach. Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) was used in the paraclinical assessment to evaluate the temporomandibular joint (TMJ); CBCT imaging revealed condylar bone changes that were not correlated with the clinical symptoms. To alleviate TMJ symptoms, the treatment plan included anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy and an occlusal splint with lateral guiding ramps. After three months of anti-inflammatory medication, physiotherapy and splint wear, an improvement in the migraine symptoms and enhanced life quality was reported. The variation in pathology between the right and left joints and the extended history of temporomandibular disorder onset with no definitive diagnosis or therapy make this case unique.