Introduction: In managing hypertension, monotherapy and sometimes a combination of more than one agent are used to achieve blood pressure (BP) control. The objective of this prospective, observational, multi-centre study was to assess the level of BP control in patients receiving one or more anti-hypertensive drugs in private medical centres in Malaysia according to the treatment regimens (monotherapy, free drug combinations and single pill combinations).
Materials and methods: Data were collected through medical records and interview sessions with patients on current pharmacotherapy for hypertension management at baseline and 2-3 months later. Results are expressed as mean ± SD for continuous data and as frequencies and percentages for categorical data.
Results: Among 182 recruited patients, 89 (49%) achieved BP control by the end of the study. Majority (62/89) patients were on single-pill (monotherapy or SPC) antihypertensives. Majority (63/89) required more than two antihypertensives to achieve BP control.
Conclusion: Both SPC and free drug combination antihypertensives reduced BPs, but physicians preferred SPC to improve BP control and increase treatment compliance.