Whether and how intramolecular crosslinks in polymeric materials contribute to mechanical properties is debated in both experimental and theoretical arenas. The tethering threads of Octopus bimaculoides egg cases provide a rare window to investigate this question in a biomaterial. The only detectable component of the load-bearing fibers in octopus threads is a 135 kDa protein, octovafibrin, comprising 29 tandem repeats of epidermal growth factor (EGF) each of which contains 3 intramolecular disulfide linkages. The N- and C-terminal C-type lectins mediate linear end-to-end octovafibrin self-assembly. Mechanical testing of threads shows that the regularly spaced disulfide linkages result in improved stiffness, toughness, and energy dissipation. In response to applied loads, molecular dynamics and X-ray scattering show that EGF-like domains deform by recruiting two hidden length β-sheet structures nested between the disulfides. The results of this study further the understanding of intramolecular crosslinking in polymers and provide a foundation for the mechanical contributions of EGF domains to the extracellular matrix.