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Pi acquisition efficiency; Pi recycling; Pi use efficiency; mycorrhiza; phosphorus starvation response; plant–fungal symbiotic interactions; transcriptome (RNA-seq).
Grants and funding
RK acknowledges the financial support from SERB, Government of India (CRG/2018/001033), UoH-IoE by MHRD [(F11/9/2019-U3(A) and RC1-20-018] and Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India (DST; grant no. INT/BLG/P-06/2019). DBT support to the SLS under the BUILDER program and funding support from UGC (UGC-SAP-DRS-II) and DST (FIST Level II) for the common facilities in the Department of Plant Sciences, University of Hyderabad is also acknowledged.