We consider a sheared granular system experiencing intermittent dynamics of stick-slip type via discrete element simulations. The considered setup consists of a two-dimensional system of soft frictional particles sandwiched between solid walls, one of which is exposed to a shearing force. The slip events are detected using stochastic state space models applied to various measures describing the system. The amplitudes of the events spread over more than four decades and present two distinctive peaks, one for the microslips and the other for the slips. We show that the measures describing the forces between the particles provide earlier detection of an upcoming slip event than the measures based solely on the wall movement. By comparing the detection times obtained from the considered measures, we observe that a typical slip event starts with a local change in the force network. However, some local changes do not spread globally over the force network. For the changes that become global, we find that their size strongly influences the further behavior of the system. If the size of a global change is large enough, then it triggers a slip event; if it is not, then a much weaker microslip follows. Quantification of the changes in the force network is made possible by formulating clear and precise measures describing their static and dynamic properties.