Background: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is still a challenge for children. About 15 to 45% of the HIV positive pregnant women can transmit the virus to their children during pregnancy, delivery and/or breastfeeding. The risk of transmission can be decreased my several measures.
Aims: To identify factors associated with HIV infection in children born to HIV-infected mothers.
Study design: A multi-center retrospective cohort study.
Methods: A ten-year retrospective cohort study in five dedicated HIV centers was conducted. The 325 women in our cohort were between the ages of 18 and 45. During the study period, 44 (13.5%) of these women gave birth and 51 babies were born. Of the 51 infants, 7 (13.7%) were HIV/AIDS positive.
Results: Among the factors studied, breastfeeding, having a HIV-positive sibling and being on antiretroviral treatment during pregnancy and detectable HIV-RNA during delivery were found statistically significant. A multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that being on antiretroviral treatment during pregnancy is the most important predictor of mother-to-child transmission.
Conclusion: Mother-to-child transmission appears to be an important route of HIV transmission in Turkey. Lack of antiretroviral treatment during pregnancy appears to be a key factor in transmission.