Whether restoration of tubal function following conservative surgery for ectopic pregnancy was achieved can only be estimated in patients with a single tube. Between 1978 and 1983, 22 women with a tubal pregnancy in their single tube underwent conservative microsurgical treatment. In 18 women dorsal salpingotomy was performed, in 3 the tube was gently milked (squeezing the products of conception through the fimbria), and in 1 the segment containing the products of conception was excised and the tube anastomosed. Twenty-one patients desired pregnancy. The mean follow-up period was 21.4 months. Of the patients desiring pregnancy, 76% conceived. The intrauterine pregnancy rate was 47.6%, and the repeat ectopic pregnancy rate was 42.8%. This ectopic pregnancy rate was significantly higher than those quoted in recent literature. Although the study group was a very-high-risk group, restoration of tubal function was achieved in a high proportion of cases. The intrauterine pregnancy rate was high and higher than the best results available with in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer, which is the only treatment available after bilateral salpingectomy. Therefore, conservative surgery is definitely indicated in such patients despite the high incidence of repeat ectopic pregnancy.