Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) can occur comorbidly with epilepsy; both are complex, disruptive disorders that lower quality of life. Both OCD and epilepsy are disorders of hyperexcitable circuits, but it is unclear whether common circuit pathology may underlie the co-occurrence of these two neuropsychiatric disorders. Here, we induced early-life seizures (ELS) in rats to examine habit formation as a model for compulsive behaviors. Compulsive, repetitive behaviors in OCD utilize the same circuitry as habit formation. We hypothesized that rats with ELS could be more susceptible to habit formation than littermate controls, and that altered behavior would correspond to altered signaling in fronto-striatal circuits that underlie decision-making and action initiation. Here, we show instead that rats with ELS were significantly less likely to form habit behaviors compared with control rats. This behavioral difference corresponded with significant alterations to temporal coordination within and between brain regions that underpin the action to habit transition: 1) phase coherence between the lateral orbitofrontal cortex and dorsomedial striatum (DMS) and 2) theta-gamma coupling within DMS. Finally, we used cortical electrical stimulation as a model of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to show that temporal coordination of fronto-striatal circuits in control and ELS rats are differentially susceptible to potentiating and suppressive stimulation, suggesting that altered underlying circuit physiology may lead to altered response to therapeutic interventions such as TMS.
Keywords: Epilepsy; Fronto-striatal circuits; Goal-directed action; Habit; Local field potential; Obsessive–compulsive disorder.
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