ChatGPT in society: emerging issues

Front Artif Intell. 2023 Jun 15:6:1130913. doi: 10.3389/frai.2023.1130913. eCollection 2023.


We review and critically assess several issues arising from the potential -large-scale- implementation or deployment of Large Language Models (LLMs) in society. These include security, political, economic, cultural, and educational issues as well as issues concerning social biases, creativity, copyright, and freedom of speech. We argue, without a preconceived pessimism toward these tools, that they may bring about many benefits. However, we also call for a balance assessment of their downsides. While our work is only preliminary and certainly partial it nevertheless holds some value as one of the first exploratory attempts in the literature.

Keywords: AI; ChatGPT; OpenAI; copyright; creativity; ethics; machine learning; social biases.