What Can Altered Auditory Feedback Paradigms Tell Us About Vocal Motor Control in Individuals With Voice Disorders?

Perspect ASHA Spec Interest Groups. 2022 Jun;7(3):959-976. doi: 10.1044/2022_persp-21-00195. Epub 2022 Mar 17.


Purpose: The goal of this review article is to provide a summary of the progression of altered auditory feedback (AAF) as a method to understand the pathophysiology of voice disorders. This review article focuses on populations with voice disorders that have thus far been studied using AAF, including individuals with Parkinson's disease, cerebellar degeneration, hyperfunctional voice disorders, vocal fold paralysis, and laryngeal dystonia. Studies using AAF have found that individuals with Parkinson's disease, cerebellar degeneration, and laryngeal dystonia have hyperactive auditory feedback responses due to differing underlying causes. In persons with PD, the hyperactivity may be a compensatory mechanism for atypically weak feedforward motor control. In individuals with cerebellar degeneration and laryngeal dystonia, the reasons for hyperactivity remain unknown. Individuals with hyperfunctional voice disorders may have auditory-motor integration deficits, suggesting atypical updating of feedforward motor control.

Conclusions: These findings have the potential to provide critical insights to clinicians in selecting the most effective therapy techniques for individuals with voice disorders. Future collaboration between clinicians and researchers with the shared objective of improving AAF as an ecologically feasible and valid tool for clinical assessment may provide more personalized therapy targets for individuals with voice disorders.