In this study we aimed to describe the relationship between sexual disorders and paranoid thinking describing the historical case of murder of the famous surgeon Antonio Parrozzani and the pathological personality of his murderer. Parrozzani was killed by Francesco Mancini, his patient in the past. Mancini was obsessed by his sexual problems due to hypothetical injuries after an inguinal hernia surgery, made by Parrozzani. Following treatment, the murderer likely lived his surgery as a traumatic event and developed a paranoid thinking against the surgeon, breaking out with the dramatic homicide. Parrozzani's case highlights the strong relationship between paranoia and sexuality, and likewise this relationship can be considered as a prodromic factor for a psychotic onset. Moreover, this case, supported by two psychiatric assessments of murderer, remembers once again the association between violence and paranoia. Therefore, clinicians should take into account the danger of the possible presence of paranoid obsession together with sexual problems, to prevent psychosis onset or violent acts related to paranoid delusions.