The pressure chamber is the most used tool for plant water status monitoring. However, species/cultivar and seasonal effects on protocols for reliable water potential determination have not been properly tested. In four grapevine cultivars and two times of the season (early season, Es; late season, Ls, under moderate drought), we assessed the maximum sample storage time before leaf water potential (Ψleaf) measurements and the minimum equilibration time for stem water potential (Ψstem) determination, taking 24 h leaf cover as control. In 'Pinot gris', Ψleaf already decreased after 1 h leaf storage in both campaigns, dropping by 0.4/0.5 MPa after 3 h, while in 'Refosk', it decreased by 0.1 MPa after 1 and 2 h in Es and Ls, respectively. In 'Merlot' and 'Merlot Kanthus', even 3 h storage did not affect Ψleaf. In Es, the minimum Ψstem equilibration was 1 h for 'Refošk' and 10 min for 'Pinot gris' and 'Merlot'. In Ls, 'Merlot Kanthus' required more than 2 h equilibration, while 1 h to 10 min was sufficient for the other cultivars. The observed cultivar and seasonal differences indicate that the proposed tests should be routinely performed prior to experiments to define ad hoc procedures for water status determination.
Keywords: Vitis vinifera; leaf sampling; leaf water potential; pressure chamber; stem water potential; water status.