Ultra-high-pressure generation in the relativistic transparency regime in laser-irradiated nanowire arrays

Phys Rev E. 2023 Jun;107(6-2):065208. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.107.065208.


We show that an ultra-high-pressure plasma can be generated when an aligned nanowire is irradiated by a laser with relativistic transparent intensity. Using a particle-in-cell simulation, we demonstrate that the expanded plasma following the z pinch becomes relativistically transparent and compressed longitudinally by the oscillating component of the ponderomotive force. The compressed structure persists throughout the pulse duration with a maximum pressure of 40Tbar when irradiated with a laser at an intensity of 10^{23}Wcm^{-2}, 5× higher than the z-pinch pressure. These results suggest an alternative approach to extending the current attainable pressure in the laboratory.