Background: Against the backdrop of population ageing, governments are facing the need to raise the statutory retirement age. In this context, the question arises whether these extra years added to working life would be spent in good health. As cancer represents a main contributor to premature retirement this study focuses on time trends and educational inequalities in cancer-free working life expectancy (WLE).
Methods: The analyses are based on the data of a large German health insurer covering annually about 2 million individuals. Cancer-free WLE is calculated based on multistate life tables and reported for three periods: 2006-2008, 2011-2013, and 2016-2018. Educational inequalities in 2011-2013 were assessed by two educational levels (8 to 11 years and 12 to 13 years of schooling).
Results: While labour force participation increased, cancer incidence rates decreased over time. Cancer-free WLE at age 18 increased by 2.5 years in men and 6.3 years in women (age 50: 1.3 years in men, 2.4 years in women) between the first and third period while increases in WLE after a cancer diagnosis remained limited. Furthermore, educational inequalities are substantial, with lower groups having lower cancer-free WLE. The proportion of cancer-free WLE in total WLE remained constant in women and younger men, while it decreased in men at higher working age.
Conclusion: The increase in WLE is accompanied by an increase in cancer-free WLE. However, the subgroups considered have not benefitted equally from this positive development. Among men at higher working age, WLE increased at a faster pace than cancer-free WLE. Particular attention should be paid to individuals with lower education and older men, as the general level and time trends in cancer-free WLE are less favourable.
Copyright: © 2023 Tetzlaff et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.