Fifty-five Chinese healthy asymptomatic Hepatitis Bs Antigen carriers, 49 males and 6 females, were studied over a six year period, 1978 to 1984. Seventeen patients (30.9%) had normal transaminases, and 38 patients (69.1%) had fluctuating levels of transaminases throughout the period of study. 83.6% of patients were below 40 years, and mean age was 29.5 years (range 18 to 49 years). Twenty three patients (41.8%) had liver biopsy, and a spectrum of chronic liver diseases was seen, with Chronic Lobular Hepatitis (CLH) and Chronic Persistent Hepatitis (CPH) being the commonest. Six patients (26.1%) had normal histology, seven patients (30.4%) had CLH, seven patients (30.4%) had CPH, two patients (8.7%) had Chronic Active Hepatitis (CAH), and one patient (4.4%) with Active Cirrhosis (AC). An attempt to correlate the severity of histological changes with the levels of transaminases at the time of biopsy failed to show any definite correlation. However, three patients with transaminases of more than four times normal had severe liver diseases (2 CAH and 1 AC).