Cough Hypersensitivity Syndrome: Why Its Use Is Inappropriate in Children

J Clin Med. 2023 Jul 25;12(15):4879. doi: 10.3390/jcm12154879.


In children and adults, chronic cough is a common symptom presenting to health professionals worldwide. It is internationally accepted that children with chronic cough should be managed with pediatric specific management guidelines. The newly proposed clinical entity of 'cough hypersensitivity syndrome' has gained significant attention in adult literature. Given the significant differences between childhood and adult chronic cough, including in respiratory physiology and anatomy, and cough sensitivity, we address the suitability of the use of cough hypersensitivity syndrome in children. We explore these differences between childhood and adult chronic cough, explain what cough hypersensitivity is and highlight why the term cough hypersensitivity syndrome should not be used in children.

Keywords: children; cough; evidence; hypersensitivity; review.

Grants and funding

This research received no external funding. A.B.C. is funded by an Australian National Health and Medical Research (NHMRC) Senior Practitioner Fellowship (Grant 1154302).