Despite the exceptional resolution in aberration-corrected high-resolution transmission electron microscope (AC-HRTEM) images of inorganic two-dimensional (2D) materials, achieving high-resolution imaging of organic 2D materials remains a daunting challenge due to their low electron resilience. Optimizing the critical dose (the electron exposure, the material can accept before it is noticeably damaged) is vital to mitigate this challenge. An understanding of electron resilience in porous crystalline 2D polymers including the effect of sample thickness has not been derived thus far. It is assumed, that additional layers of the sample form a cage around inner layers, which are preventing fragments from escaping into the vacuum and enabling recombination. In the literature this so called caging effect has been reported for perylene and pythalocyanine. In this work we determine the critical dose of a porous, triazine-based 2D polymer as function of the sample thickness. The results show that the caging effect should not be generalized to more sophisticated polymer systems. We argue that pore channels in the framework structure serve as escape routes for free fragments preventing the caging effect and thus showing surprisingly a thickness-independent critical dose. Moreover, we demonstrate that graphene encapsulation prevents fragment escape and results in an increase in the critical electron dose and unit-cell image resolution.
Keywords: 2D polymers; Beam damage; Direct electron detector; Electron diffraction; Encapsulation; Thickness dependency.
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