Background: Crohn-related rectovaginal fistulas are notoriously difficult to treat. Studies of mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of perianal Crohn fistulizing disease have largely excluded rectovaginal fistulas. The aim of this study was to determine the safety and efficacy of mesenchymal stem cells for refractory rectovaginal fistulizing Crohn disease.
Methods: A phase IB/IIA randomized control trial was performed in a 3:1, single-blinded study. Patients included were adult women with an anovaginal/rectovaginal fistula in the setting of Crohn disease. Seventy-five million mesenchymal stem cells were administered with a 22G needle after curettage and primary closure of the fistula tract at day 0 and month 3. Adverse and serious adverse events were recorded at post-procedure day 1, week 2, week 6, month 3, month 6, and month 12, along with clinical healing, magnetic resonance imaging, and patient-reported outcomes.
Results: A total of 19 patients were enrolled and treated-15 treatment and 4 control. There were no adverse or serious adverse events related to mesenchymal stem cell therapy. At 6 months, 50% of the treatment group and 0% of the control had complete clinical and radiographic healing; 91.7% of the treatment group had improvement at 6 months with only one patient having a lack of response, whereas only 50% of the control group had improvement at 6 months.
Conclusion: Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells offer a safe alternative treatment approach for rectovaginal fistulas in the setting of Crohn disease. Complete healing was achieved in half of the patients.
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