How to remove a tunneled and cuffed central venous catheter quickly and safely? A little trick useful in children

Minerva Pediatr (Torino). 2023 Sep 6. doi: 10.23736/S2724-5276.23.07329-9. Online ahead of print.


Background: The aim of this study was to present our experience with a use of own variation of the traditional technique for tunneled and cuffed catheters removal.

Methods: From July 2021 to March 2023, 110 tunneled cuffed centrally inserted central catheters (CICCs) were removed at the Vascular Access Unit of ASST Spedali Civili of Brescia using our particular technique; pediatric patients were 15 admitted to "Children Hospital" of Brescia. The catheter is cut with its adhesions above the cuff and then pulled out. The cuff is then removed with all adhesions attached.

Results: Each procedure was successfully performed to the end with local anesthesia, also in younger children. The maneuver was very short and well tolerated. No related complications were observed. The maneuver has always been considered easy even by less experienced surgeons. The scars were aesthetically good and well accepted by the patients.

Conclusions: The technique described has the advantage of not requiring the careful lysis of the adherence from the cuff. If the procedure is quick it can be performed without general anesthesia and without significant psychological trauma also in less compliant children. The skin cut very short leaves an almost invisible scar. It is another notable advantage especially for young girls.