Parastomal hernia (PH) is one of the most frequent ostomy complications, and the reported incidence in the literature is highly variable. As highlighted by the Association of Stoma Care Nurses UK, this complication develops mainly in children and older men over 70, but many predisposing factors are related to the individual patient and surgery. There is no standardised system for assessing PH. The main assessment techniques include objective examination, ultrasound scan and computed tomography. Prevention is based on various interventions by surgeons and stoma care nurses (SCNs). The SCN's primary interventions include accurate patient evaluation, pre-operative ostomy siting, education about body weight management and advice on appropriate exercises. The treatment of PH can be conservative or surgical, and the choice is based on the patient's clinical condition. Ostomy can significantly impact on a patient's quality of life (QoL), and the presence of PH can further aggravate the situation. This overview of PH considers the incidence, aetiology, prevention, treatment and impact on QoL.
Keywords: Aetiology; Ostomy; Parastomal hernia; Prevention; Quality of life; Treatment.