School-based Mental Health Supports During COVID-19: School Professional Perspectives

Psychol Sch. 2023 Jul;60(7):2460-2482. doi: 10.1002/pits.22869. Epub 2023 Jan 27.


Objective: The present study explored the ways school professionals adapted school-based mental health supports and services for remote delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Method: We surveyed 81 school professionals (e.g., counselors, psychologists, social workers) and conducted in-depth interviews with a subsample of professionals (n=14) to explore their perceptions and experiences of supporting youth with mental health concerns and suicide-related risk during the fall and winter of the 2020-2021 school year.

Results: Commonly endorsed school-based mental health interventions (e.g., counseling services, checking in), ways of communicating (phone, email), and individuals delivering supports and services to students with suicide-related risk (e.g., counselors, teachers) were identified based on school professional survey responses. Qualitative findings point to facilitators (e.g., specific platforms for connecting with students and families) and barriers (e.g., limited communication) to successful service delivery during COVID-19.

Conclusion: Findings highlight the creative ways school support professionals adapted to provide school-based mental health supports. Implications for remote school-based mental health services during and following the pandemic are discussed.

Keywords: COVID-19; school professional; school-based mental health; suicide prevention.