Introduction: The Peritoneal Regression Grading Score (PRGS) is a 4-tied histologic regression grading score for determining the response of peritoneal metastasis to chemotherapy. Peritoneal biopsies in every abdominal quadrant are recommended. A positive therapy response is defined as a decreasing or stable mean PRGS between 2 therapy cycles. The added value of periodic acid satin (PAS) and Ber-EP4 staining over HE staining for diagnosing PRGS1 (the absence of vital tumor cells) is unclear.
Materials and methods: A total of 339 biopsies obtained during 76 laparoscopies in 33 patients with peritoneal metastasis of gastric cancer were analyzed. Biopsies classified as PRGS 1 (no residual tumor, n=95) or indefinite (n=50) were stained with PAS, and remaining indefinite or PRGS1 cases additionally stained with BerEP4.
Results: After PAS-staining tumor cells were detected in 28 out of 145 biopsies (19%), the remaining 117 biopsies were immunostained with Ber-EP4. Tumor cells were detected in 22 biopsies (19%). In total, additional staining allowed the detection of residual tumor cells in 50 out of 339 biopsies (15%) and changed the therapy response assessment in 7 out of 33 (21%) patients.
Conclusions: In summary, 25% (24 out of 95) of initially tumor-free samples (PRGS1) showed residual tumor cells after additional staining with PAS and/or BerEp4. Immunohistochemistry provided important additional information (the presence of tumor cells) in 22 of all 339 biopsies (11.2%). Further staining reduced the instances of unclear diagnosis from 50 to 0 and changed the therapy response assessment in 7 out of 33 patients (21%). We recommend additional staining in PRGS1 or unclear cases.
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