Background: In patients who experience a seizure, the seizure duration is a strong indicator of prognosis. Thus, reducing time to antiepileptic medications in patients who are actively seizing is critical. While findings from retrospective studies suggest that the rapid administration of undiluted intravenous (IV) levetiracetam may be safe, some gaps in the literature remain.
Objective: The purpose of this research study was to prospectively assess adverse events associated with the rapid administration of undiluted IV levetiracetam.
Methods: This was a prospective, observational cohort study of adult patients who received rapid administration of undiluted IV levetiracetam at doses up to 4500 mg in the emergency department (ED) of a large community, teaching hospital. The primary endpoint was the incidence of any pre-defined adverse event. Secondary endpoints included the incidence of each type of adverse event, the incidence of seizure termination, and the time to completion of drug administration in patients actively seizing at the time of study inclusion.
Results: A total of 321 doses of IV push levetiracetam were ordered for 318 patients and 250 patients were subsequently included. Fourteen (5.6%) patients experienced an adverse event, most commonly due to injection site reactions (9/14). Clinically relevant hypotension, tachycardia, and hypertension occurred in five patients. For actively seizing patients, 79% (15/19) achieved seizure termination and the median time from medication order to completion of therapy was 12 min.
Conclusion: This study found that the rapid administration of undiluted IV levetiracetam in ED patients was associated with few adverse events.
Keywords: Keppra; Levetiracetam; Seizure; Status epilepticus.
Published by Elsevier Inc.