The invasive stink bug, Bagrada hilaris (Burmeister), recently became established in the southwestern United States and has become a major pest of broccoli and other cole crops. Due to concerns about its possible establishment in Florida, a colony of this pest was maintained in quarantine to conduct research on its environmental requirements. The colony was reared reliably with approximately 300 adults per generation but began to decline in generation 16. Due to unknown causes, only about 73 females were recovered to mate and oviposit during the final 46 days. However, a corresponding decrease in the number of mated pairs did not reduce the yield of eggs, nymphs, and adults per day, but the females were maintained for fewer than the normal 160 days per generation. Therefore, quality control procedures were implemented to increase the number of days the colony produced adults in subsequent generations. The goal of producing approximately 400 adults per generation was accomplished during 104, 160, and 156 days, respectively, in generations 17, 18, and 19. The purpose of this research was to develop quality control procedures for rearing B. hilaris, use the procedures to restore a colony in quarantine, and describe how quality control can be used to maintain small colonies of insects. Implementing quality control procedures when a colony is established can help to prevent its decline.
Keywords: Bagrada hilaris; insect rearing; quality control; stink bug.
© The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America.