Brisk walking is a simple exercise for older adults. We aimed to assess the cardiovascular response to a short bout of brisk walking on walking loops in an innovative senior playground in Thailand. Twenty older adults were randomly assigned to brisk walking on artificial turf (AT group, n = 10) or an uneven surface (US group, n = 10). We assessed cardiovascular parameters, average walking speed, and rate of perceived exertion. Blood pressure, heart rate, rate-pressure product, and rate perceived exertion were significantly increased, while the mean RR interval of heart rate variability was significantly decreased in both AT and US groups after exercise compared with pre-exercise (p < 0.05). A greater change in systolic blood pressure was observed in the US group than in the AT group (p < 0.05). These data indicated that brisk walking on AT and US increases cardiovascular response. Our findings provide information on planning exercise programs for older adults.
Keywords: Cardiovascular responses; brisk walking; cardiac autonomic function; older adults; senior playground.