In 2022, Turkey encountered the formidable task of addressing an unprecedented loss of medical doctors and seeking remedies for potential issues within the healthcare system. This study set out to explore the inclination of 402 actively practicing Turkish doctors to depart from Turkey, assess the socio-demographic and socio-economic factors influencing this trend, and establish the hierarchy of raised concerns among doctors. Employing a cross-sectional and analytical approach, the study drew comparisons between doctors' demographic characteristics and the significance of their grievances, while also examining the correlation between the importance of complaints and the desire to remain in Turkey. The doctors' primary complaints encompassed financial challenges, instances of violence in the healthcare sector, and insufficient examination durations. The migration of doctors poses a substantial risk to healthcare accessibility, public health, and the sustainability of Turkey's healthcare delivery capacity. To mitigate this risk and curb doctor migration, corrective measures must be implemented to improve working conditions. Additionally, there is a need for further scientific research focusing on doctors' concerns, particularly in developing countries like Turkey, to expand the current body of literature on this subject.
Keywords: Doctor complaints; Doctor migration; Doctors; Primary complaints; Turkey.
© 2023 The Authors.