Carlavirus Species Infecting Hop Plants in Italy: Molecular Identification and Phylogenetic Analyses of the Detected Isolates

Plants (Basel). 2023 Oct 9;12(19):3514. doi: 10.3390/plants12193514.


Hop (Humulus lupulus L.) is a minor ingredient in the beer production but has a strong influence on the beer quality due to the high chemical complexity of the cones used in brewing. One of the major factors that can severely affect the chemical composition of the hop cones and their marketability is the presence of viral infections in the plant. Amongst the five major hop viruses, three belong to the Carlavirus genus: hop mosaic virus (HpMV), hop latent virus (HpLV), and American hop latent virus (AHLV). The occurrence of carlaviruses on hop germplasm in Italy was firstly recorded in 2017 but, in that context, a generic detection was only performed and no information on the infecting Carlavirus species was provided. To fill this gap, 51 hop samples previously found infected by carlaviruses were analysed by RT-PCR employing primer pairs specific for the coat protein (CP) of HpMV, HpLV and AHLV, respectively. HpLV resulted largely prevalent as it was detected in 96.1% of tested samples whereas for HpMV and AHLV an infection rate of 5.9% and 3.9% was recorded, respectively. CP nucleotide sequences from 13 selected virus isolates were obtained and analysed; moreover, the complete genome sequence of 7 isolates was obtained by using high throughput sequencing (HTS). Phylogenetic analysis showed close relationships among isolates from different geographical origin, including European and non-European countries, according to the worldwide movement of hop germplasm due to global trade. This is the first report of HpMV, HpLV and AHLV on hop germplasm in Italy.

Keywords: Italy; RT-PCR; detection; hop carlaviruses; sequencing.

Grants and funding

This research was supported by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture (MIPAAF) through the funding of the following projects: LUPPOLO.IT (DM 0096732 of 28/12/2016) and INNOVA.LUPPOLO (DM 0027834 of 28/05/2020).