X-ray phase-contrast microtomography of soft tissues using a compact laboratory system with two-directional sensitivity

Optica. 2023 Jun 30;10(7):880-887. doi: 10.1364/OPTICA.487270. eCollection 2023 Jul 20.


X-ray microtomography is a nondestructive, three-dimensional inspection technique applied across a vast range of fields and disciplines, ranging from research to industrial, encompassing engineering, biology, and medical research. Phase-contrast imaging extends the domain of application of x-ray microtomography to classes of samples that exhibit weak attenuation, thus appearing with poor contrast in standard x-ray imaging. Notable examples are low-atomic-number materials, like carbon-fiber composites, soft matter, and biological soft tissues. We report on a compact and cost-effective system for x-ray phase-contrast microtomography. The system features high sensitivity to phase gradients and high resolution, requires a low-power sealed x-ray tube, a single optical element, and fits in a small footprint. It is compatible with standard x-ray detector technologies: in our experiments, we have observed that single-photon counting offered higher angular sensitivity, whereas flat panels provided a larger field of view. The system is benchmarked against known-material phantoms, and its potential for soft-tissue three-dimensional imaging is demonstrated on small-animal organs: a piglet esophagus and a rat heart. We believe that the simplicity of the setup we are proposing, combined with its robustness and sensitivity, will facilitate accessing quantitative x-ray phase-contrast microtomography as a research tool across disciplines, including tissue engineering, materials science, and nondestructive testing in general.