The electronic and vibrational spectra of the meso-tetrakis(4-sulfonatophenyl)-porphyrins (TSPP) have been studied computationally using the PFD-3B functional with time-dependent density functional theory for the excited states. The calculated UV-vis absorption and emission spectra in aqueous solution are in excellent agreement with the experimental measurements of both H2TSPP-4 (monomer) at high pH and H4TSPP-2 (forming J-aggregate) at low pH. Moreover, our calculations reveal an infrared absorption at 1900 cm-1 in the singlet and triplet excited states that is absent in the ground state, which is chosen as a probe for transient IR absorption spectroscopy to investigate the vibrational dynamics of the excited state. Specifically, the S2 to S1 excited state internal conversion process time, the S1 state vibrational relaxation time, and the lifetime of the S1 excited electronic state are all quantitatively deduced.
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