Background: Losing a needle during laparoscopic surgery may be a dramatic moment for the surgeon and potentially have clinical and medico-legal consequences. This case report aims to describe an unusual case of needle loss that occurred during laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication and how to prevent its further occurrence.
Methods: The patient is an 11-year-old boy with a body mass index of 32.4 kg/m 2 . He suffered from severe gastroesophageal reflux disease not responding to medical therapy and hiatal hernia. A laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication was performed.
Results: At the closure of the Nissen wrap, CO 2 leakage through the umbilical trocar caused the needle lost during the introduction of the thread. We attempted to find the needle by exploring the entire abdominal cavity without success. Therefore, we decided to complete the surgical procedure. Another 2/0 nonresorbable thread was inserted in the same way as before. But this suture also disappeared. Hence, we manually straightened the needle and introduced it under vision. The operation was accomplished successfully. An intraoperative x-ray was obtained, showing the 2 needles at the level of the 12th rib, near the working port used for the liver retractor. A peritoneal window was created using a monopolar hook, allowing to finally extract the 2 hidden needles.
Conclusion: The loss of needles, although a rare event, can occur during laparoscopic surgery. Based on our experience, we suggest that needle insertion during laparoscopic operations should be performed under direct vision, especially in obese patients, to reduce the likelihood of such complications.
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