A high-fat diet (HFD) promotes metastasis through increased uptake of saturated fatty acids (SFAs). The fatty acid transporter CD36 has been implicated in this process, but a detailed understanding of CD36 function is lacking. During matrix detachment, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress reduces SCD1 protein, resulting in increased lipid saturation. Subsequently, CD36 is induced in a p38- and AMPK-dependent manner to promote preferential uptake of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), thereby maintaining a balance between SFAs and MUFAs. In attached cells, CD36 palmitoylation is required for MUFA uptake and protection from palmitate-induced lipotoxicity. In breast cancer mouse models, CD36-deficiency induced ER stress while diminishing the pro-metastatic effect of HFD, and only a palmitoylation-proficient CD36 rescued this effect. Finally, AMPK-deficient tumors have reduced CD36 expression and are metastatically impaired, but ectopic CD36 expression restores their metastatic potential. Our results suggest that, rather than facilitating HFD-driven tumorigenesis, CD36 plays a supportive role by preventing SFA-induced lipotoxicity.
Keywords: CD36; cancer metabolism; fatty acids; matrix detachment; metastasis; palmitoylation.
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