Six-telescope integrated optics beam combiner fabricated using ultrafast laser inscription for J- and H-band astronomy

Appl Opt. 2023 Oct 10;62(29):7596-7610. doi: 10.1364/AO.499135.


We have built and characterized, to our knowledge, the first six-telescope discrete beam combiner (DBC) for stellar interferometry in the astronomical J-band. It is the DBC with the largest number of beam combinations and was manufactured using ultrafast laser inscription in borosilicate glass, with a throughput of ≈56%. For calibration of the visibility-to-pixel matrix, we use a two-input Michelson interferometer and extract the complex visibility. A visibility amplitude of 1.05 and relative precision of 2.9% and 3.8% are extracted for 1328 nm and 1380 nm, respectively. Broadband (≤40n m) characterization is affected by dispersion but shows similar performance.