Introduction: In multicenter studies, the protocolization of data is a critical phase that can generate biases.The objective is to analyze the concordance and reliability of the data obtained in a clinical multicenter study between the protocolization in the center of origin and the centralized protocolization of the data by a data -manager.
Methods: National multicenter clinical study about an infrequent carcinoma. A double protocolization of the data is carried out: (a) center of origin; and (b) centralized by a data manager: The concordance between the data is analyzed for the global data and for the two groups of the project: (a) study group (Familiar carcinoma, 30 researchers protocolize); (b) control group (Sporadic carcinoma, 4 people protocolize). Interobserver variability is evaluated using Cohen's kappa coefficient.
Results: The study includes a total of 689 patients with carcinoma, 252 in the study group and 437 in the control group. Regarding the concordance analysis of the tumor stage, 2.5% of disagreements were observed and the concordance between people who protocolize was near perfect (Kappa = 0.931). Regarding the evaluation of the recurrence risk, disagreements occurred in 7% of the cases and the concordance was near perfect (Kappa = 0.819). Regarding the sonography evaluation (TIRADS), the disagreements were 6.9% and the concordance was near perfect (Kappa = 0.922). Also, 4.6% of transcription errors were detected.
Conclusions: In multicenter clinical studies, the centralized data protocolization o by a data-manager seems to present similar results to the direct protocolization in the database in the center of origin.
Keywords: Base de datos; Carcinoma infrecuente; Concordance; Concordancia; Data-manager; Database; Estudio multicéntrico clínico; Infrequent carcinoma; Multicenter clinical study; Protocolización; Protocolization.
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